BlueCielo Kronodoc 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About comment circulations > Modifying comment circulations

Modifying comment circulations

After you have created a comment circulation as described in Circulating documents for comment, you can modify it to add more documents, request comments from more users, and modify other circulation options.

Before you begin

If you want to add more documents to the circulation, first place them on the Clipboard as described in Adding items to the Clipboard.

To modify a comment circulation:

  1. Open the Document circulations view as described in Understanding the Document circulations view.
  2. Click the Outbox tab. The circulations that you have sent are listed.
  3. Click Configure in the row for the circulation that you want to modify. A page showing the circulation's current configuration appears.
  4. Select or enter options using the descriptions in the following table.
Comment circulation options
Option Description

Send email to new users

Sends a copy of the circulation message by email to all new users that you add.

Mass commenting

Select whether to allow recipients to comment on all of the documents in one operation.

Additional users for circulation

Users that you want to add to the current distribution list. To select individual users:

  1. Click Add users. A new window containing user search options opens.
  2. Type a known name in the corresponding text box and press Enter or click Find users. If a matching user is found, their information appears above the text boxes and they are added to the Recipients list automatically. If not, modify your search text and try again.
  3. Repeat step 2 until all recipients have been added to the Recipients list.
  4. Click Close.

To remove a user:

  1. Select the user name and click Remove users.

When you are finished editing the user list, click Update table. The page refreshes to show columns added for each additional user.

  1. For each document in the circulation:
  1. Select the checkbox for each user that you want to comment. Clear the checkbox for each user that you do not want to comment. You may only deselect users who have not yet responded to the document.
  2. Type a date in Deadline or click Date and select a date from the calendar that appears.
  1. To add more documents to the circulation:
  1. Click Add documents from clipboard. A page appears that lists the documents on the Clipboard and the documents currently in the circulation.
  2. Select the documents that you want to add to the Clipboard and click Add documents. The page showing the circulation's current configuration reappears with the selected documents added.
  1. Click Preview changes. A page appears showing the circulation options that you have changed in red text.
  2. To change the options, click Configure and repeat steps 4 to 6.
  3. To apply your changes, click Submit changes. The Document circulations view appears showing the changes that you made.

Related concepts

About comment circulations

Understanding the Document circulations view

Related tasks

Searching for comment circulations

Circulating documents for comment

Viewing responses to a comment circulation

Responding to comment circulations

Delegating your response to comment circulations

Closing comment circulations

Interrupting comment circulations

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